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7 Ways We Grow (Part 4)

Writer's picture: Adam ErlichmanAdam Erlichman

There are many misunderstandings and misconceptions that keep people from growing in spiritual maturity of Jesus Christ. Here are seven ways you may not have considered that can grow you spiritually.

There are many things that we can grow in. We all exert ourselves in one way or another to become better at something: careers, parenting, marriages, sports, music, instruments, video games, fitness, dieting, theology, bible study, friendships, bank accounts, and more!

The question we must ask ourselves is, "What am I growing in?" We want to be sure we're growing in what matters most - into the likeness and image of Jesus Christ by our character and nature.

If becoming like Jesus Christ is our bullseye to growing, then we need to now "HOW" we can grow.

Here is the fourth of seven ways we can grow to become more like Jesus that you may or may not have considered . . . .

Way 4 - LOVE GOD x 2



“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God . . . because God is love.”

- 1 John 4:7-8


When we place our faith in the one true God of the Bible, we are putting our faith in love. We are believing in love. Therefore, we are saved and sanctified (grown or transformed) by loving God. Loving God isn’t just a moment decision when we become a Christian. It's not just saying, "I love you" one time at the altar on your wedding day with God. Rather, the entire faith journey is daily waking up, believing, and giving our hearts over to loving him. It’s not about the wedding; it’s about the marriage.

Loving God . . . it’s not about the wedding; it’s about the marriage.

Every day you will wake up next to your spouse and get to experience the joy of knowing and being with them for the rest of your lives. If the wedding is considered the pinnacle of the marriage, that’s rather disappointing. No, following the wedding is when the best is yet to come in the marriage of a growing love relationship. In the same way, you are gifted a marriage to Christ as his bride, the church, and continue to grow in that love for God.

Following the wedding is when the best is yet to come in the marriage of a growing love relationship.

Love can be perplexing. It is an emotion and a choice. Somedays being a disciple of Jesus will feel like an overwhelming emotion of delight. Other days it will feel like a begrudging choice of duty. Remember, emotions are a good gift from God to embrace and not suppress.

However, just like any good thing God created, emotion must be properly placed and not made ultimate in one’s life. Due to residing in a sinful, broken, and fallen world, our emotions are ever-changing and unreliable as an ultimate guide to our life purpose. We must hold on to what we know to be absolute and true, which is that we should strive to love God whether we feel it or not. We must not take God’s love for granted because our emotions aren’t feeling loving on a given day. Let our love be steadfast, unfailing, and resilient as was Christ’s love for us in going to the cross. Day by day, continue to grow your love for God. It’s the first step to how we grow.

Love God. Remind yourself, loving God is more about the marriage than it is the wedding. The journey of learning to love God more is fulfilling, rich, deep, and everlasting. Love God and you will grow more.

Look for Part 5 of 7 Ways We Grow.



Want more? Purchase "How We Grow: What is a Disciple?" by Adam Erlichman for more ways to grow in your spiritual maturity to become more like Christ day in and day out. A series of short reads for Everyday Christians answering common questions for the Christian life.



Adam Erlichman

Executive Director of Build Groups in North Dallas, TX. Former Life Groups/Discipleship Pastor at Midway Church. Author of the newly released short reads series for Everyday Christians How We Grow. Now available for purchase on Amazon.

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